Seminar Series. Erin Mordecai: Global change and the ecology of vector-borne disease (recorded)

EPPIcenter seminar series

The Mordecai research group focuses on the ecology of infectious disease. We are interested in how climate, species interactions, and global change drive infectious disease dynamics in humans and natural ecosystems. The lab uses mathematical models and empirical data to study the ecology of infectious diseases, vector-parasite co-evolution, and plant pathogens in a changing environment.

Erin Mordecai is an assistant professor in Biology at Stanford University, and a center fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment. Dr.  Mordecai earned her PhD in Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology at UC Santa Barbara. She completed a 2-year NSF postdoctoral research fellowship in the Intersection of Biology and Mathematical and Physical Sciences and Engineering at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University.

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Erin Mordecai at EPPIcenter